After seeing increased numbers of shoulder parked 18 wheeler fatality cases in my cases, falsely reported to the FMCSA as “Non Preventable” by the motor carrier, I started the No Shoulder Parking Initiative as a grass roots effort to give voice to victims and move the FMCSA to issue rules prohibiting non-emergency parking of commercial motor vehicles on highway shoulders, particularly in the dark. All Americans should require our elected public servants to endorse this initiative! To add your support, please add your endorsement by clicking the button below.
Our plan to make American highways safer
According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Large Truck and Bus Crash Facts 2017:
- Fatal crashes involving large trucks often occur in rural areas and on Interstate highways. Approximately 57 percent of all fatal crashes involving large trucks occurred in rural areas, 27 percent occurred on Interstate highways, and 13 percent fell into both categories by occurring on rural Interstate highways.
- Thirty-five percent of all fatal crashes, 22 percent of all injury crashes, and 20 percent of all property damage only crashes involving large trucks occurred at night (6:00 pm to 6:00 am).
- The vast majority of fatal crashes (83 percent) and nonfatal crashes (88 percent) involving large trucks occurred on weekdays (Monday through Friday).
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration:
Fatalities in crashes involving large trucks increased by 9.0 percent from 4,369 in 2016 to 4,761 in 2017. Over a 10-year period there was a 12-percent increase in the total number of people killed in large-truck crashes, from 4,245 fatalities in 2008 to 4,761 fatalities in 2017. Of the fatalities in 2017:
- 72 percent (3,450) were occupants of other vehicles;
- 18 percent (841) were occupants of large trucks; and
- 10 percent (470) were nonoccupants (pedestrians, pedalcyclists, etc.).
This is what Tracy Morgan’s trial lawyer, Benedict Morelli, has to say about Robert Collins.
Mr. Morelli was the keynote speaker at the Academy of Truck Accident Attorneys (ATAA) 2016 Annual Symposium in Nashville, Tennessee.