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OFFICE: 713-467-8884
FAX: 866-455-1028
1-800-SU AYUDA

Referrals from attorneys are welcome.

Consulting services available.

For attorneys seeking consultation, please submit the following information or call for a teleconference or videoconference appointment.

Free Case Review or Questions

Please enter your information below and click the “Submit Your Case or Questions” button, for a free, no-obligation case review. You may also contact us by telephone, if you prefer,
at 713-467-8884 or Toll Free at 800-782-9832.

The required information, indicated by the * below, is needed for a conflict check.

Your information is treated as confidential and will not be shared with any third party or used for any purpose other than to evaluate and respond to your inquiry.

By responding to this request, an attorney/client relationship is not created. This firm only has attorney/client relationships upon execution of a signed written agreement.